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The 4 Best Self Defense Weapons For Ladies In 2020

Self defense Weapons

· Self defense Weapons
self defense weapons for ladies

As of now, no one can say that self defense weapons for ladies aren’t important. The world has indeed advanced at a whole another level. Technology is ruling us and each day we come across a different gadget or product that is made for the sole purpose of our convenience.

We are indeed blessed to live in the 21st century, but at the same time, there are some other realities that we have to accept no matter what. One of them is the fact that the need for self defense weapons for ladies is growing with time.

Two things that still are uncontrollable are crime and violence. Every day, there is some news of an attack on a woman or some robbery and this is exactly what increases the need for these weapons.

The Best 4 Self Defense Weapons for Ladies In 2020:

Luckily, when it comes to self defense weapons for ladies, you can never run short of options and variety.

Here are some of the best weapons that you should think about buying and carrying with you when you are alone or you know that you want safety.

Let us tell you some of the best defensive weapons that women can buy this year:

1. Pepper Spray

Think about it? Can your eyes bear it if someone sprays red hot chili liquid in them? Well, of course, not! The chances are that you will temporarily go blind. This is the same concept on which a pepper spray is made.

This spray is the best and the most effective weapon to carry mainly because it is easy to use. You just take out the spray from your bag or pocket and aim it straight towards the face of the attacker.

Within seconds, he will go blind and that is when you will be able to save yourself.

2. Stun Gun
Have you ever seen those movies where the police officer pulls a device out of his pocket and uses it against someone who is resisting an arrest? Hence, that is what a stun gun is.

A stun gun uses electric shock to bring the other person down and it is not lethal, so you don’t have to worry about that.

The voltage of the shock is reasonable enough to make the attack immobile for a while, but it won’t cause any permanent damage to him.

3. Hidden Blade Knives

For someone who is looking forward to buying the easiest to use self defense weapons for women, having such knives is the best option to go for. These knives come in a variety of different shapes and sizes.

But, you might as well find a hidden lipstick knife that can be used to cut or stab the attacker if he tries hurting you. Yes, the size of the blade is small, but it is sharp enough to be used against some other human being who is trying to harm you.

4. Knuckle Duster

If you are the kind of woman who wants to give a gangster look when choosing self defense weapons for ladies, knuckle dusters are a good option for you to consider.

For those who don’t know a knuckle duster is used to punch the other person if he tries attacking you. It is a useful weapon, therefore, think about it!

Wouldn’t it be enough if you throw a punch on the face of the attacker not just with your strong hands but with brass rings around the knuckles too?

Well, it is going to help you prevent an attack. Besides this, as a woman, you will find several different kinds of brass knuckles that will suit your fashion sense too!

The Final Words:

These are the best self defense weapons for ladies. As you can see, none of these weapons are hard to use and they sound quite effective too.

Thus, without thinking about it anymore, we’d suggest you buy one of these weapons right now and keep yourself safe all the time. In the end, some peace of mind for safety and security is all that we need!

So, choose a defensive weapon of your choices and purchase it today from a reputable online store!