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5 Things Urge Me to Use a Taser Gun for Self Defense

Taser Guns

· Taser Guns
Taser Gun

A taser gun is one of the best self defense weapons. I have a taser in my arsenal and I prefer using it for self defense for many reasons. This is an electroshock device that is often compared with a stun gun.

Many people think these are similar, but these are two different weapons. There are many reasons I prefer a taser over a stun gun and other self defense weapons. Here are five things that urge me to use a taser gun for self defense:

1. Works Like a Pistol

What I love the most about a taser gun is that it looks like a small pistol and even works like a real pistol. There is a trigger mechanism incorporated in the pistol. You have to pull the trigger to shoot the electrodes. These electrodes can travel to some distance to deliver an electrical shock.

2. Offers A Great Range

The great thing about a taser is that it keeps me away from the attackers. I can stay at a safe distance and still give an electrical shock. When I pull the trigger, it shoots two electrodes.

These electrodes can travel to some distance and touch to the body of the attacker and deliver a strong electrical shock. So, I don’t need to go close to the attacker.

3. Safe & Easy to Carry

A taser gun is also quite safe and easy to carry. It is small enough to fit well into the pocket. Also, such a small device can be carried easily in a bag. Moreover, it has a disable button that I can press while carrying in the pocket. Hence, it becomes quite safe and easy to carry in the pocket.

4. Severe Damage

Another thing that urges me to use a taser gun is that it inflicts severe damage. It can deliver a very powerful electrical shock to immobilize the attacker. The two electrodes connect to form a circuit and give a powerful shock.

5. Effective

A taser gun is the most effective weapon for self defense. It delivers a strong electrical shock to immobilize the attacker and keeps him down. Meanwhile, you can escape and save your life.

It is non lethal and does not cause real injuries. Hence, these are the things that urge me to prefer a taser for self defense rather than all other self defense weapons.