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5 Reasons Pepper Spray is a Woman’s Perfect Defender

Pepper Spray

· Pepper Spray
pepper Spray

Pepper spray is easily the most popular self defense weapon among women. It is a small sized bottle of spray that contains chilli powder and capsicum. It is non lethal but very effective. Women love to use this weapon in order to battle the attackers.

There are certain self defense needs of women that they consider significant. A weapon that meets all the needs and expectations of the women is a pepper spray.

So, this is actually a preferred weapon among them. Here are the five reasons why pepper spray is their perfect defender:

1. A Non Lethal Weapon

Women love to carry weapons that are non lethal. They are always reluctant when it comes to lethal weapons. Hence, a weapon like pepper spray is ideal because it does not cause any injuries. Rather, it just causes some damage to the eyes and the damage is temporary. as well.

2. Carried in the Handbag

As mentioned before, a pepper spray is a small bottle of spray that contains capsicum as the active ingredient. It can easily fit into the pocket. As far as women are concerned, they prefer non lethal weapons and pepper spray is the best in this regard because it is non lethal.

3. Simple to Use

A pepper spray is also quite simple to use. It is a bottle that contains spray. There is often a push button on the spray. What you have to do is push that button to spray it on the face of the attacker.

4. Effective

A pepper spray is an effective self defense weapon. It may not cause severe injuries but it can still cause enough damage to serve your survival. When you spray it on the face of the attacker, it causes a burning effect or a burning sensation to irritate the eyes of the attacker. Also, it can cause temporary blindness.

5. An Ideal Defender

With all these benefits of using pepper spray, it comes up as an ideal self defense weapon. It is non lethal but it has the power to defend you from the attacker. So, consider using a pepper spray if you want to get rid of the attackers!