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What is a Knuckle Duster? Essential Things to Know

Knuckle Duster

· Knuckle Duster
Knuckle Duster

Knuckle duster is a small wearable tool used for multiple purposes. It is generally made of brass and is used as a fashion accessory. There are some essential things you need to know about it.

A knuckle duster comes in a lot of variations and types. It is not a very straightforward thing. Sometimes, it features some other things additionally. Anyways, if you want to learn more about this gorgeous tool or accessory, here are some essential things you might want to know:

Types of Knuckle Duster

- Brass Knuckles
Brass knuckles are the real knuckles. These are made of brass and are the strongest ones. They are the most commonly used knuckles and are the best ones too. In addition, these are very strong and durable. They last longer than all other types of knuckles.

- Metal Knuckles
As the name suggests, these knuckles are made of metal. These are not the strongest knuckles. However, they also seem pretty real. They are the second most common types of knuckles.

- Aluminium Knuckles
Aluminium knuckles are made of aluminium and are not very common. They are rarely used by the fans of the knuckles and enthusiasts.

Designs & Variations

- Knuckle Duster Knife
A knuckle duster knife is a popular type or design of knuckles. It is a replica of the great trench knife. It has a small blade attached to it. You can wear the knuckles and use the blade for the cutting work. In addition, it is popularly being used as a self defense weapon.

- Belt Buckle Knuckle Duster
This is a type or variation of knuckle duster that contains a belt buckle. In fact, it can be used as a buckle for your belts. It has a knob or buckle pin that makes it easy to attach it to your belts. All it takes is a buckle pin.

- Bottle Opener Knuckle Duster
This is a very useful variation that features a bottle opener. It is an additional thing attached to it that is used to open cans and bottles. It is an ideal tool to wear for those who drink cans and often need to open canned objects!